OneCommunity is a non-profit organization formed with the purpose of bringing communities together, as One. Together, we engage, empower, and strengthen families through bilingual literacy and leadership programs. Join us as we live, work, and prosper together.
Our Progams
Parents Taking Leadership Action (PTLA)
Feed Your Brain-Alimenta Tu Cerebro
OneCommunity Reads! Initiative
Former Pilot Programs
During the 2022-2023 school year, we piloted four programs to expand our efforts through a Biliteracy and Leadership grant from United Way NWA. These programs took place at Westwood Elementary on Tuesdays and Knapp Elementary on Wednesdays, with sessions held in the evening from 5-7 PM.
Establishing a Girl Scout troop with a minimum of 10-12 girls. Girl Scouts help prepare girls for a lifetime of leadership, success, ability to make a difference, establishes friendships, and provides adventures in a safe environment. They gain important skills in four areas that form the foundation of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience: Science, technology, engineering, and math; outdoors; life skills, entrepreneurship.
A weekly Spanish for Adult Heritage Speakers for 10-15 immigrant parents and/or teens in collaboration with the U of A Spanish Department Service Learning Courses. We have many immigrant parents in our community who have not had the opportunity to attend formal schooling in their native country and have limited reading and writing skills. We would like to boost their skills. This curriculum is Designed for students from a Spanish-speaking background with limited to no formal study of the language. Literacy development in Spanish with emphasis on building vocabulary, reading and writing skills, and cultural competence. This literacy enrichment program's main objectives are 1) to develop reading and writing skills in both Spanish and English, 2) to increase parents’ knowledge and understanding of their cultural heritage, 3) and to further school, home and community connections.
The Latino Youth Biliteracy Project is an outreach initiative of the Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures of the University of Arkansas established in 2011 in Collaboration with the Latin American and Latino Studies Program and the Oficina Latina. University students enrolled in SPAN 4563, an upper-level Spanish service learning course, participate in a bilingual literacy enriching program for elementary and middle school Spanish heritage speakers. The mains goals of the program are 1) to develop literacy in the home language, 2) to provide a culturally relevant curriculum, 3) to promote academic excellence and college readiness, 4) to offer mentorship by college students, and 5) to establish bridges between the students’ families and the school.

Learn more about OneCommunity
Yolanda J.
[I learned] at the Mental Health First Aid training, there are people with different types of depression, and we must give them time to speak and take time to listen.
Lourdes G.
My experience in this organization was very good. I have been learning many new things which I am trying to do. I love being in these classes and talk about the topics we choose. I also like the English classes and I am learning a lot.
Maria J.
My experience has been super good, we have learned and participated in many topics that have taught us a lot. All the topics have been interesting and the people in the group are talented, creative, and cool.
PTLA Parents, Westwood
During PTLA, we met a lot of parents, shared our stories with each other, and visited NWACC to learn about how our kids can go to college.
Donate to Our Cause
Donations help support community activities including field trips to higher education institutions, programs, services, educational materials, supplies, events, and outreach efforts within the community. In giving, you receive the joy of making a difference—your generosity creates a ripple effect that benefits everyone.

ArkanSalsa Fest
Credit: NWA Democrat-Gazette